A poem from the Apartment floor

I made it as far as the carpet and lay myself like a plank on the floor—

“Plank”: I forgot to cut those planks today.

I didn’t forget Home Depot; I just didn’t want to go.

Instead I went as far as the carpet and lay myself in front of the IKEA box full of big-boy LEGOs—

oh boy. I forgot to pay the utility bill today.

I didn’t forget dinner; I just don’t want to make it.

“I feel so lucky to get to build a house!” I said today to the guy whose $80,000 machine traced the outline of our staircase treads until they popped out of the plywood like big-boy LEGOs—

oh boy! I feel so lucky to get to lay myself like a plank on the carpet next to a dog that will soon live in a Dog House.
